Technology & Technical Skills

Cloud Computing

UX Design

Data Science

Digital Design

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

ERP/CRM software

Solution architect; consultant; developer

Scientific Computing

Display advertising

Graphic designer; internet marketer

Quantum Computing

Network & system administration

Network architect; IT

Data Visualisation

Developer; programmer; data visualization analyst; survey and research design consultant

Machine learning

Deep learning analytics consultant; predictive analytics consultant

Quantitative analysis

Professor of economics; statistical analyst

Presentations, Marketing & Sales Decks

Presentation designer and writer

Database administration

Data engineer; systems engineer

E-mail and marketing automation

Marketing expert; developer; senior marketing strategist; consultant

SEM — Search engine marketing

Google Adword Expert

Desktop software development

Full-stack senior web developer; customer software developer

E-commerce Development

Developer; online marketing and e-commerce solutions expert; e-commerce integration and automation consulting

Mobile Apps Development

iOS developer; Android Developer; mobile app developer

Scripts & Utilities

Google Sheets Experts; Apps Scripts expert; Excel automation specialist

Web and mobile design

Web and mobile app development; user-experience designer

Web development

Sample career: Full-stack web development; business systems expert; user-experience designer; front-end developer

Marketing strategy

Digital marketing consultant; copywriter; B2B marketing specialist