Skills Learning and Upskilling Portals

Mt Freelance is an online, four-level video course created by Andrew Dickson and Aaron James, two former Wieden+Kennedy creatives now working as successful freelancers. This week, they’ve made their first level free to all who are new to freelancing or want to audit their approach. It’s a 50-minute introduction of nine videos worth $257.

Adobe Creative Cloud is extending its renewal grace period to 60 days for customers using its Value Incentive Plan, as well as offering free at-home access to students and teachers. Someone’s also found another discount hack and is passing it around the online freelance community – more details here.

Zwolf Strategy founder Heidi Hackemer has launched the Strategy Supper Club – a series of intimate online classes. The idea stemmed from her belief that “so much [brand strategy] training has gone out the window or is reductive”. The sessions are free but she’s collecting donations for local food banks as part of the program. More information can be found here.

Marc Lewis, founder and dean of the School of Communication Arts, has created a virtual studio for his students to work in while coronavirus hits south London. It features digital tables, whiteboards and even a Dean’s office. The technology works so well that he’s offering up the platform to freelancers who are interested in running a webinar mentor class. These sessions will be ticketed, and the money raised will go directly to the presenter. Those interested can sign up through a short survey here.

Members of mentorship app Fellow are taking advantage of social quarantine by organizing an online junior creative book review via Google Sheets. Nearly 300 portfolios have been posted so far, but many are still in need of review.

Mt Freelance

is an online, four-level video course created by Andrew Dickson and Aaron James, two former Wieden+Kennedy creatives now working as successful freelancers. This week, they’ve made their first level free to all who are new to freelancing or want to audit their approach. It’s a 50-minute introduction of nine videos worth $257.

Adobe Creative Cloud

is extending its renewal grace period to 60 days for customers using its Value Incentive Plan, as well as offering free at-home access to students and teachers. Someone’s also found another discount hack and is passing it around the online freelance community – more details here.

Zwolf Strategy

founder Heidi Hackemer has launched the Strategy Supper Club – a series of intimate online classes. The idea stemmed from her belief that “so much [brand strategy] training has gone out the window or is reductive”. The sessions are free but she’s collecting donations for local food banks as part of the program. More information can be found here.

School of Communication Arts

Marc Lewis, founder and dean of the School of Communication Arts, has created a virtual studio for his students to work in while coronavirus hits south London. It features digital tables, whiteboards and even a Dean’s office. The technology works so well that he’s offering up the platform to freelancers who are interested in running a webinar mentor class. These sessions will be ticketed, and the money raised will go directly to the presenter. Those interested can sign up through a short survey here.


Members of mentorship app Fellow are taking advantage of social quarantine by organizing an online junior creative book review via Google Sheets. Nearly 300 portfolios have been posted so far, but many are still in need of review.